okay. here's a tale of a Mopar that came to kick some tail.
Names are withheld like taxes to protect the innocent and not so innocent.
So this 5.0 LX stick Mustang is cleaning house on the Nassau and every ones aware of the drivers ability to cut good arm drops and row a mean awe.

One night I am not so innocently hanging out at the local bruise spot Burger king when they sick this thing on my Sedan.
I right away get on the horn to try and find out how fast this thing is really ticking being that it has cleaned every ones wallet up and down the five boroughs.
No answer to my quest other than that the kid can drive.
When I arrive an hour early at the staging point and fill up my tank with the good petro, they arrive right behind me and are stunned that the car is so big.
It's a boat of a mopar I say.

Fast forward to the white top.
He arrives first at the line and is already doing his burnout. Maybe about 300 people there as well. I align with him and commence my burnout.
Almost as soon as we lined up and the arms went up, his throttle pedal went down leaving me by a sucker car length.
I could see his tail lights as my car was blasting off first with a slight bog then all hell breaking loose. I ride by him at the top of 2nd gear and hold a car length ground till the finish line where he closed up by my quarter. I could hear his gear box shifting and the super charger whistling into high note. we both passed the line with him a fender behind and little did I know that both my team and his had never made it to the finish line to bare witness to the runs out come. they were stuck in the huge traffic jam back at the hole.
As we were making our U-turn to return to the staging area, he nodded in respect and said like this; "You got me Kid"
A huge argument flared up about the winnings and they never paid up.
They were in shock and denial and would not do it over for double or nothing unless they ran the laugh gas.
I drove off that night with bragging rights and no money in the bank and to top it off, no runs for a while after because of the out come.

In retro, I'd rather win and lose the money then to lose my life over an argument of money and ego.