

the poncho was also running a rat...

A rat,huh? That's kinda disappointing. Seems most guys ran big Chevys or Mopars around NYC. There was a guy in Queens that had a beautiful 69/70 or so black 4-4-2 that ran a rat also. That's what I especially enjoyed about my friends Gremlin---ALL AMC! and he did win more than his fair share. Come to think of it there actually was an old Buick in my neighborhood & a couple of Fords but they were a true minority in my neighborhood---- probably 99% were Chevys

Where I grew up at, there were A LOT of GM Products (All were represented including Caddy!)
a FEW Fords (but were HARD running) and Mopars
(the underdog) of all sizes!! The Mopars
had fits over Buick, OLDS and the Caddys, BUT the
Rats and Mice were a commom place and easy pickin's back then. Goats were a little TOUGHER, especially
the RAIV's. They were NOTORIOUS for running hard
up top with a 383-440 motor. The Fords were a little more "sneaky" with their engine/body styles
especially when stuffed with Cleveland/FE or Lima
motor. For those not in the KNOW, it converts to
a 351C, 390-427-428 or 429-460 motors. Placed in a lightweight chassis, they will embarass about 90% of "other" makes unsuspectedly!! And you say Fords' can't run! Being a Mopar man you can't win
100% of the time, but you can TRY TO!! And have FUN doing it!!

Last edited by HYPER8oSoNic; 08/02/10 10:00 PM.

"Stupidity is Ignorance on Steroids"
"Yeah, it's hopped to over 160" (quote by Kowalski in the movie Vanishing Point 1970 - Cupid Productions)