Fountain has long been redeveloped and speed bumps introduced to the strip. A giant mall is right across the way on the other side of the killing fields.
I remember when the cops would find dead bodies out there in the weeds during the late 70's and 80's. I'm wondering if they were extras from the fatal crashes there. After our hey days and nights, the animals from Columbia St. came over and trashed the haunt with their stupid modern day racing antics, if you want to even call it that, hence the fatal crashes.

South is desolate and redeveloped also. A few out-houses have been built along the shut down area. That's my title for condominiums.
Siverado, the unmarked Grand Fury and its occupant must long be retired now.

The only action on a special notice situation is The White top, a name just to protect the not so innocent. $$$$ is the only language spoken there.

Newark's The Hole is on a special call of duty also. The last of the Diehards only run at these parts, because the track is now trying to court the streeters into getting it on at the track. Fun, but not exciting like the street.
Every one says the same thing. It's like covert poker in the basements of Chinatown compared to the legality of Vegas.

My little spot that is an icon from way back is the old Connecting. I've had a few runs there in the not so distant past and every now and then spot check my car there to make sure the cobs are out of the cogs. I feel like the Ghost of christmas tree past there.
Always nice to hear your intentions Tony. You are the best.