
The wedding was an unfortunate freak timing of Murphy's law in a different part of town, I believe Long Island. They newlyweds had just finished the Wedding ceremony and were heading out to the reception to greet the Family and friends when they came onto a street race in full throttle. The Limo's driver either never saw the Monte Carlo or the Monte was just to fast at that point to do nothing other than rip the Limo apart. It was a horror scene of epic proportions.
I was enraged myself because of the stupid senseless planning and execution of such a race on a street with hidden driveways and cross streets. I've always known that street racing is highly dangerous, but if it is going to go down in earnest, than consider the safety of others that are not involved if you are not considering your own.
That is why the Connecting, 150th, and other haunts where it is a one way fair and only included the drivers and spectators is probably safe in some respect but not the safest. Who ever is there knows the fine print and hind site should be game.

Lee, are you sure it was a Monte Carlo? I saw this news story on Channel 7 Eyewitness News way back when and from what sticks in my mind I could swear the car driven by the street racer (who they also showed under arrest) was a black Grand National.

Whatever car it was, it was an absolutely terrible tragedy (Murphy sucks!!) that horrified and forever scarred many lives on what began as an extremely happy and joyous day.
