Is 1981 close enough??? San Jose CA
We would cruise the El Camino in SunnyVale and then hit Ringwood Ave for the real action.
Industrial area, no other traffic,
1/4 mile between roads.
The cops never showed up

When ready one car would signal and the christmas tree would light. OK we use a car parked on the grass just up the street-no lights, parking lights, headlights GO!!!. I never buddy Dave would get out of the car ahead of time to get into the crowd to bet on me. He said the crowd used to go wild when we flew by as there would be flames coming out of my short exhaust system and the car would be screaming. I can't say if the flames were real but the car really ran quick back then...My girlfreind of the time used to insist on going for the ride-she was about
100 lbs soaking wet-So I used to call her my handicap...She promised to pay if we lost.

I still have the same pos car today