Progress report on the wiring work I did this weekend.

Headlights: The headlight wiring is done, except for screwing the ground wires to the frame. I cut off the plastic headlight plugs, and replaced them with ceramic plugs. This is necessary if I ever decide to put in higher wattage headlight bulbs.

I installed a 90º plug on the passenger side, due to the close proximity of the offset radiator.

Turn signals: I cut off the factory connectors and replaced them with Weatherpacks. Wiring is done, except for screwing the ground wires to the frame.

Courtesy lights: Installed a pair of them under the dash. You know, a Jeep without courtesy lights, is just plain uncivilized. So now, when either door is opened, the foot wells will be illuminated.

Distribution block: I made a mounting bracket for it.

The fuse panel wiring is slowly coming together.

Gone to the dark side with an LS3 powered '57 Chevy 210