Hello Everyone, Let me try to address some issues I saw questions on.
First, Our website and Email server was down for an entire week for a server migration that was supposed to take an hour. I'm not a techie so I didn't have control over that. Regarding the list. There is no possible way to go in the exact order of the list. Due to variations in configurations, it isn't possible. PLEASE keep that in mind.
Second, If anyone has questions, call or email me to conform place on the list. I have always allowed this.
Third, The last year of life has been without a doubt the most challenging on every front for me. This is why I have not been on this board in a long time. Quite honestly, other things have taken priority over this board. Some of you cannot accept that and this shows by some comments that are made on this board. I do not take them personally so, I have no ill will, but just please in the future, before you spout off the snide comments without considering things, just take a deep breath and think about whats going on.
Fourth, Regarding the pop out condition, some early units had a problem. The method of testing used at that time, did not catch it. The sliders were redesigned to take care of this problem. We have had favorable results. This is why the testing procedure was completely changed and at this point, every unit is test run in a car to confirm proper function.
I want NOTHING more than to have a ton of happy customers so, believe me, We are doing our best to make sure that things get out of here as quickly as possible. We are finally making some headway. If anyone has an early unit this is having problems, let me know so that we can get any issues taken care of.
I want to step up and speak to what I personally know about all this. FACT: The Passon website and server were messed up awhile back.Jamie and I used other channels to keep in touch,there was no real 'blackout'and as always, he kept me in the loop.He was transparent with me from day one that the list number jumped all over based on which box was in production and which parts were in supply to build what unit. FACT: Jamie has ALWAYS responded to my PMs e-mails or FB messages. FACT: Although I do not know about other things our friend might be dealing with, it is no secret the 855 saga has been ridiculously stressful, time and dollar consuming, and Jamie is still trying hard to ramp up to full production, and get the boxes to the buyers and would be buyers.Part of this is things like the slider issue (solved) which he did NOT want to end up in our cars.Taking the time and trouble to install and run every unit in a vehicle demonstrates to me how serious this person is about giving me the absolute best unit humanly possible. FACT: I will say that Jamie is 100% a man of his word, and went above and beyond to get me my 855 in a timely manner and I will have zero reservations buying from him in the future.
BTW MY 855 is here...My God this thing is beautiful.The machining is super clean, the shifter and all associated hardware is well built and solid...If she runs as good as she looks (and I have no doubt) I will have some great stories to tell.
I'm 55 now, no time to waste. Not a week goes by that I don't hear about someone passing on.Let's get out there,smoke some tires,have a beer with a good friend,do what you have always wanted to do.I am pretty sure no one will ever say on their deathbed "gee I'm glad my life was calm and boring"