Quote: I got mine back in October and I believe I was number 43 on the list.
well got great news from Jamie that I was #261 minus the ones he has built, he couldn't find me on the list but he did after looking around a bit. I ordered it on jan 22/14 still have a ways to go but it will be worth it. bruce
That's good news. I ordered mine around Aug 2013, and I think he said I was number 19?....Like you I need to email him and confirm.
I e-mailed and he never answered.....
I have heard that from others as well. He is a very busy man, however he should return emails in a timely fashion.
1. In a perfect world 2. If He had an office staff of 10+ 3. If hand holding is more important then a great well built transmission 4. There are still only 24 hrs in a day 5. I have plenty of faith he is doing his best, and doing it better then most others
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