Damon, Car Specs: 70 Dart Swinger 3660 lbs 689 HP Indy Headed 446 CU.IN. Dana 60 HD 4.56 Gears 29X10-15 Hoosier Slicks Launching at 4500 RPM (I had no reason to launch at 6500 like LAR414) Car ran 10.68 with torquflight. Was running 11.03 with stick. Lauching this hard brought to light the terrible inadequacy of the rear suspension on the car. Car was literally jumping vertical off the ground on the line. Missed 2 shifts all night. They were definitely operator error. I am not going to lie to anyone. I didn't rent the track for the day and make 200 runs. However, I feel the trans stood up well. We didn't break anything. I am not trying to outdo anyone on testing. So, hopefully this post doesn't create a tit for tat thing with who tested what way better. We are truly working our very hardest to provide the best quality piece to everyone. This is why I am trying to pay attention to every detail to the extent that we are. Jamie