I tried to justify buying a bike based on what I would save in gas. Didn't work, just not enough good months to ride to make it pencil out. But I bought the bike anyway, because I wanted to.
In the same way, I want to save gas driving my car, but I'm not so blind as to think that the cost of the transmission will be saved in fuel. They aren't part of the same equation. The fact is, saving fuel will help after the car is built to keep enjoying it, and as a bonus the 5 speed will make it more enjoyable to drive by updating it. One of the major complaints I have about driving an old car is not having a 5 speed.
Also, I'm not looking for a drag box, I want to use the car on the road course after driving it there (without having to swap a pumpkin).
My Duster was my DD for years, with a OD trans and 3.21 gears. It was ok, and I will probably drive it that way again when I get it back on the road, but I have been hoping for years that someone would build a box like Jamie is bringing to market. It might be expensive, but it's still far less than buying a new Challenger R/T 6 speed, and gets me closer to having a modern feeling car to drive on a regular basis. I see no reason to complain about the price, I think I will spend my energy trying to find the funds to buy one instead.
Jamie, just a suggestion (as if you haven't had enough of those), but what about a reduced capacity box later on? I'm not suggesting an off-shore source, but maybe one with a lower quality gearset but still manufactured here in the states. Maybe even a drop to a 21 spline input to match the lower capacity. I think you were smart to bring this to market at it's best rather than sell a low strength unit and then bring in the mac-daddy, so don't take it as a "you-should-have". I'm just thinking down the line.
As was pointed out earlier, there are probably plenty of people that don't need the extra capacity, myself included. Maybe a lighter box would make it work for more people later. At the same time, if we are talking about only a $500 drop in price, maybe it's not worth looking into. To me, the extra $500 would be worth not having to worry about having to buy a "big boy" A-855 when I hit the lottery and swap a 700 hp Gen3 Hemi into the car .
Just a thought.
15 Chrysler 200S 3.6 15 Challenger R/T 6M STP 74 Duster 360 -> original 4 speed car