I've been on the list for over two years. Do not know what my number is. I should email him to see how far or close I am from getting a call.
I think you should buy some other transmission as we must all be paid shills for Jamie - like those on here that used to defend the tremec snake charmers from Tennessee whose product really did suck. What is it that you require to understand about quality and above all the integrity of this company?? Do I need to define integrity for you from the dictionary?? What kind of assurance do you require above the company standing behind it's product 100%?
You have no clue here as to what this endeavor takes and I find your and a few others attitudes to be simply disrespectful and rude. Go away.
Hey Tom_Quad. Are you reading my post correctly? I simply stated I've been on the list for over two years. Actually three! I stated I should call or email to find out my number in line. What the heck do that have with me not having a clue to the endeavor or being disrespectful to Jamie? I have no idea what my number is (did not want to bother him) Seems everyone else knows their number. How is that being disrespectful? I don't need the definition of quality or integrity. I've being doing and living it all my life. Maybe you need reading comprehension. I find your post off base and rude. Go away!
I really don't see where you did anything wrong either....