
Some people

Why would I want to spend more on gas? WHY????

Why is that so hard to understand for some of you?

If you like to waste fuel, send me the money instead.

Well see,Ma and Pa left me this here Orange Rt with a big black 01 painted on the side.Its got a big stop sign for the trunk and 3 license plates in the floor,u know to keep my feet from going through the floorboard.Now I know that big 440 is hard on gas but all that money Ive saved from fixin it up RIGHT I got all the money in the world to spend on Gas.I cant just figure some of those high falutin,know it all people from KENTUCKY want to fix thur cars up real fancy like and waist all of at money fer!

Last edited by 70RT Charger; 12/18/10 02:14 PM.