Joined 01/25/03 12:26 AM
Last Seen 01/01/25 07:36 PM
Total Posts 1,607 (top fuel)
Posts Per Day 0.200
I'm 55 now, no time to waste. Not a week goes by that I don't hear about someone passing on.Let's get out there,smoke some tires,have a beer with a good friend,do what you have always wanted to do.I am pretty sure no one will ever say on their deathbed "gee I'm glad my life was calm and boring" |
Birthday | October 24 0 | Occupation | Grade IV WPC Operator, Membrane WW Tech Field Service Engineer | Hobbies | Mopars/Bars/Guitars/Brain surgery, Rocket Science, etc... |
Moparts is all about what brand of cars? | MOPARS | What made you to want to join moparts? | A deep seated need for approval...NOT!!! | |