Originally Posted By BradH
Originally Posted By AndyF

Anyone know the details of Trick Flow's build? I suspect that one and Dulcich's aren't as apples to apples as it's made to appear.

Yeah Brad, the article is full of inaccuracies.
The Trick Flow build uses a hydraulic roller 243/247 @.050, not a solid flat tappet. They can't even figure out what cam they are running. In the body of the article, they say it is a solid roller 242/248, and the photo caption says it is a 248/248 solid roller. There's more, but I don't feel like wearing out my thumbs.
Who knows what the heck they built, but it's weak, IMO.

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.