Originally Posted By SCATPACK 1
Originally Posted By AndyF
I have my new clear top valve cover mounted up on the Trick Flow heads for the next round of dyno testing.

I would really like to see a video of those clear valve covers on a running engine.
Is this something that can stay on there all the time or just for testing or dyno work? Would they hold up on a street car?
Thanks for the input

I wouldn't run them on a street car since I'm sure the polycarb would turn yellow over time. I designed the clear top just for dyno testing. It is nice to prime the engine and see if the oil is flowing on all of the rocker arms. It is also a nice double check to see if oil is spraying out from the rocker arms or just leaking out. You can tell if the side clearance on the rocker arms is correct by how much oil is spraying around. Just an easy way to double check things on a new engine. I don't think there is any need to use the clear covers on an engine that is working properly although maybe someone would like them just for the looks.