



how would you prep a part to be painted once it has been "RPM'd"?

You can't paint over it but you can apply it over paint.

But if you spilled some onto something you wanted to paint (or powdercoat, or chrome plate), how would you clean it up?


Hi everyone

All good questions. How do you remove powder coat anyway?

This question comes up with many durable coatings. Take paint for instance. If you want to clean up spilled liquid paint you are going to approach it differently than you would removing paint that has been cured. Epoxy paint? Powder coat? Same thing.

In the case of removing RPM I would recommend lacquer thinner combined with 000 steelwool, media is also a possibility. Especially if its been through the heat process. But then again you would probably use a similar process if removing cured paint, powder coat or any durable coating from a part. Remember that RPM is designed as an alternative to painting,powder coating, oil based coatings, or others that change the appearance of bare metal. If you painted a part then decided you wanted it natural metal you would prep it before applying RPM.

thanks for all the interest.
