
*This is a game and the rules are not set in stone........
*These Judges have seen your posts on moparts and know most things that you have done to your car before they ever see it........
*This is why I drag race my mopar. The rules are set in stone........

* It should never be a "game". The Judging criteria is simple and straight forward. If there is an error as it pertains to an Original Equipment deduction, document it and continue Judging.

* It never bothered or concerned me that this vehicle's components were on display long before the show. I welcomed the extra scrutiny to find any deficiencies with our efforts. When you do the proper research and document things in an accurate manner, you have no reason to be worried or feel the need to constantly look over your shoulder!

* I am not involved with racing but allow me to offer this analogy. Suppose you ran 3 races and on the third race you asked about your time because the time display was turned off. When you asked, the track supervisors told you that your time was better than the first two runs but with a few hiccups along the way. When you asked what the time was specifically, you were told that is was a good time and one of the better times that was run at the event. You asked AGAIN what your specific time was and what "hiccups" they were referring to?!? The event supervisors start to get upset and instruct you to be happy and content with the information that they have provided! It should be enough that they were willing to convey this information that they had provided about YOUR race. They then state that the subject matter is getting "redundant" and you are starting to "talk in circles" with your inquiries. They conclude by saying your time was better than the first two attempts and they were not going to discuss it with you any further! Case closed!

Now at this juncture in the story, how would you feel if someone from the OE tent walked over to the race track and said, "Hemicar1971, I look at this a little differently. This is a game and the rules are not set in stone....."