
Post the pics, we could use the laughs

Here you go Ralph! I am sure that a few people are probably saying, "Yeah....right....SURE you meant to turn it upside down." We actually DID but never intended to leave it that way. Thanks again for reminding me! The joke is definitely on me with this one! Anyway, here are some pictures of things we did with the other cars. (I also included the Valiant radio pictures we took and the color variations we did of the engine.)

We did this type of "comic relief" because a few people would CONSTANTLY call to tell us what we were doing wrong and making sure we were on the right track. I decided to start documenting some "wrong" attributes, send the pictures to them and ask what they thought. What was really funny was to see them break their necks to get to the car at the Nationals and stand there with a blank stare when the "wrong" things were mysteriously corrected! I also posted the "after" shot of the Challenger seam sealer to show (prove) what it actually looked like when finished!

We flipped the bumper guard (rubber) upside down!

We photographed this soft serve ice cream glob seam sealer and then asked a "concerned person" if he thought it looked correct!

These pictures were taken 50 minuets apart....and then we completely forgot to flip the bezel back!