

He made one brief post after a page of critique on his product.

For the record, this person/company wasn't even a thought or point of interest when we decided to manufacture these items. Exact samples were not available so we decided to make them ourselves. Isn't that how most Companies or Products come to fruition? Its called "FREE ENTERPRISE." Correct is simply correct! I can assure you it was not a personal thing. People who take offense to what we are doing should not leave a crack in the armor. It makes it really hard for someone else to enter "a market" when there is no room for improvement. As stated earlier, "I personally guarantee that ECS will never offer ANY product unless it accurately represents what was offered from the original manufacturer."

In case you didn't noticed, that "brief" comment was a personal and direct insult. By all means, feel free to show me the post where I personally attacked this guy or stated that others think of him in a negative fashion.

Look I have no problem with people making new products or entering a market.

I do have a problem with people being courteous and decent to people.

You said people give you a hard time and try to stir you up. And I agree. But the deal is, 71 T/A wasn't one of those guys.

You compared his product to Art Store Styrofoam. You eluded to his product being redundant. You said his products were nothing like original. Say what you will, just don't be surpised to get a comment back.

Most new product announcements I've seen talk about the qualities of their new product and reference to competitors in a brief and purely objective manner.

Last edited by autoxcuda; 09/18/10 04:18 PM.