The one thing that I have learned with all of "this" is that politics are not a topic limited to people in Washington DC! As all the dust settles....I now realize that I am the bad guy! Forget the mistake(s) that were made with the Judging! Forget the facts that were presented to everyone after the Show! Forget all the photos and documented details that surrounded the project! In the end it is ME that was to blame. Shoot the messenger! How dare that I expose any shortcomings or misconceptions related to the Judging process!!! It isn't about doing the right thing! It is all about "reputation" and what people think. Prior to me showing the documented facts concerning the Power Steering Fluid, they were just fine with everyone thinking that WE had screwed up in that particular area. Once I informed them of their mistake, it was time to conceal and keep it under cover!! It was fine for everyone to think that WE had messed up but once the shoe was on the other it for yourself. Here was the email response I received after I had uncovered the error. (Sssshhhh.....keep it quiet!!)

"Thats why Dave we need to do our research on all disputed items before we start telling things to other people it is easier to keep pandora in her box rather then trying to put her back."