
"Art Store" styrofoam. Real nice.
No wonder you're so such a hit on here.

Thank you! I have always chose Honesty over Popularity no matter what the outcome might entail. To be more specific about the gasket material, I saw it at Michael's Ats and Crafts! If you don't believe me go visit one and find out for yourself. They stock various sheet sizes and thicknesses.

I apologize that my demand for accuracy exceeds the normal "85% Effort Club" that most reproduction manufacturers settle into and are satisfied with. Most stop at that point because the remaining 15% is TEN TIMES harder to reach than the first 85%. I just don't feel that people should have to settle for second rate products when spending their hard earned money. I consider it a privilege to serve this Hobby, not the other way around.

I've noticed that every time we do something correct, there is always someone who gets all bent out of shape and proceeds to lash out, make excuses or get defensive. I certainly didn't stop you from going the extra mile! With all due respect, look no further than the man in the mirror to vent your frustrations for offering the industry something less than "Authentic/Correct" Parts.