
Are you going to try and find out what EXACTLY was wrong with other aspects of the car?

I have already tried to get some specific answers! There was more effort avoiding the questions than it would have taken to simply answer them. Here is a BRIEF example of some of the email commentary that went back and forth between us:

From: Dave Walden
To: Keith & Joy Rohm
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: question

Howdy Keith,
Thank you for the update!! The Valiant "team" was curious how the deductions actually added up. I know at the show you had said that the power steering fluid was the largest deduction being a point and a half. I really didn't think those points would be adjusted or added back into the score even after the correct information was disclosed following the Event. The show was over and things were what they were! So what ended up being the lion's share of deductions that raised the total to -9.25? While the score was very high, we didn't think that the other infractions would have exceeded more than 5 points!?! I know that we were dinged a half point for the clear VIN overlay. Without knowing the deductions given for the tires, the power steering fluid and the overlay made a total of -2 points. What other area(s) of the car "ate up" the remaining -7.25 points? Just curious....as always!


From: Keith & Joy Rohm <knjrohm@watchtv.net>
Subject: Re: question
To: "Dave Walden" <dave@ecsautomotive.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 6:00 AM

Most OE contestants know where , if you want to call them shortcomings, are located.The contestant just hopes we don't find them.The value of as you call them deductions are determined by the team. You cannot outguess everything.

From: Dave Walden
To: Keith & Joy Rohm
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: question

Hi Keith,
Why can't there be a simple answer to a simple question? I have never tried to hide anything with regards to having a vehicle judged in your program. I do my best to do things right and have ALWAYS told you guys the truth with regards to what we did. Concerning the tires, they are what they are! Try finding a mint set of Power Cushion 6.95X14 tires that just happen to have a perfect date that coincides with the exact build date of the car! You can't go to Kmart or Target to find a set!! I had to use what was available. By no means were we trying to "outguess" or fool anyone. We simply had to use what we were lucky enough to find. We didn't use them just to test you guys.....!