I am completely amazed. This thread that has some awesome pictures and an incredible tail about the process of restoring and showing the lowly 4 door, has degenerated into a bunch of judge bashing and mindless speculation by those who have never been a part of the OE process. Never restored a car to this level or judged at a National event.

Dave won, he scored the highest ever points, he has received more praise for his efforts than anybody in the History of mankind.... and it is still not enough? So what if he didn't score perfect. This is a subjective hobby.
My God people move on.

Oh and by the way ErikR, "the explicit criteria for a perfect score WILL be different for each car." Mopars are not cookie cutter cars. No one car is like another, each car is one of one. I think that Dave has made the perfectly clear with his documentation.

Again.. HE WON... let's celebrate with a beer not a bunch of W(h)ine!

69 Road Runner vert
69 GTX hard top
70 Road Runner 4 speed
70 Hemi Cuda vert