
Funny, I have a box of those PCV hoses like yours, and other variants off original cars. But it is easier for some to believe there is but one style hose, so the cookie cutter restoration crowd is happy, and the vendors selling these parts make more money!
I find it so interesting that until now, no one has ever cared about any 6cyl car in history. With all the restoration experts, magazine editors & publishers out there, none, have ever once, given us a tech article on detailing the slant six. No photographs, no engineering drawings, no anything! Now all of a sudden, you are the target of these same individuals.
Their only agenda is to discredit anyone who questions their "authority". Even when presented with hard facts, they discount them and rely on their "expertise" gathered "over the past 20,30 years". Their arrogance/ego leads them to think only their knowledge is valid.
Some of these experts are merely armchair quarterbacks who speak of their vast knowledge and expertise, but who have never actually built a car anyone of us have ever seen. They are the ones at the shows who walk up to your car and point to the mistakes you made, but when asked, they can't take you to their perfect restoration! I say to them, put up or stop the criticism.
Suppose you are an expert who has examined 1000 original cars. You could come to many conclusions of the way Mopars were seemingly built. But in the grand scheme of things, you have hardly documented the other several hundred thousand cars built in the muscle car era. The point is, there are so many variables that no one will ever know it all-though they will always have an opinion, right or wrong.
I've personally had it with the lack of integrity, back-stabbing, and down right lies, that go on in this hobby. They do nothing to help anyone, especially anyone new to the hobby trying to learn new things. It makes me not even want to get on Moparts, or be involved in the hobby some days.
And thank god for all you great people out there that contribute to the hobby!
I'm done for now.....