Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
I understand YOUR feelings on the "and exhibition" part of the program Billy.........but lets face facts. Spectators and even some of the racers themselves enjoy watching passes from the faster cars that didn't survive the drive. They have ALWAYS let these guys make runs on the final day. It may not have started that way, but now Dragweek is a SPECTATOR event and the tracks draw big crowds. Do most of those spectators come to see 12 second daily drivers, or Jeff Lutz Camaro go down the track?

Did we take advantage of the above situation with the Corvette?.....Sure did, think we made 4 hits on the last day and put the car in the 6s at over 200mph, which was one of Daves goals. I rarely get a chance to be with them and tune the car, so we take our chances when we get them

The story is about my feelings, and the feelings of those around me in the moment. As you are well aware emotions can get pretty raw in that moment, and I do my best to convey that in the story. Doesn't mean they are right, or justified, simply reporting how it went down.

I'm sure the spectators love seeing Dave and Jeff make passes. As a competitor, those passes mean nothing, and accomplish nothing...if you can't finish the event, they are completely irrelevant.
Many of the cars I was referring to that took advantage of the situation were 10,11 and 12 second cars.

I wasn't calling anybody out specifically, I was trying to convey the feeling of Friday at St. Louis gave many, that felt it was poorly handled from beginning to the conclusion of the joke of an awards ceremony. If that hurts feelings or makes people uncomfortable then I'm a better story teller than I give myself credit for (which, with an ego like mine, is pretty much impossible).

I love the fact that you are as involved as you are Monte, overall, and with the individual cars, and I hope the enjoyment outweighs the effort, although I can't see how.

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith

Not trying to be harsh or a dick but the faster cars are ALWAYS going to get preferred benefits. Don't care for that? Build a faster car or there is always the option to not bother coming.

I love your line about "not bother coming"!! The NHRA used that on us for years when National and Divisional events had swelled to enormous numbers...now, they are seeing the results of that.

On building a faster car:

My brothers and I sit around and laugh about all the good stuff we leave at home, and ask ourselves constantly, "When are we gonna swing for the fences, and bring a max effort type deal to Drag Week"?

The truth is we've done the NHRA thing, competed at that level, won some, got our teeth kicked in plenty. Drag Week is about fun, comaraderie, finishing in one piece. I respect those guys who are throwing down big numbers, but to me it's like throwing a 99mph fastball in beer league baseball. Relax guys, it's all good, that's too much like real work!!

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines