"Larson, and Miller were there, without their cars. The Reh family's two entries were not around. Ahokas wasn't there, nor Cline. Scott Smith's Malibu, or Todd Maschmier's Camaro...nope. Not that I was disappointed or anything, the Event is the attraction, the adventure is the hook, not individuals or certain cars. The new rules package was in place for 2015-2017, and I have no idea if that affected some peoples decisions, or if like the majority, they just ran out of time!"
Millers time at DW had passed him by.LOL.LL and Dave agreed to disagree.LOL. Lack of enforcement of the rules last year would explain a lot of no shows.Bob Brehm will not be receiving a Christmas card this year.Took a pic of me with a gold chainer? LOL