The food started to show up, but I was still mining the results for nuggets of information.
"Dad! Bad news!"
Dad looked up from his plate, he had been extraordinarily quiet tonight.
"The little Willy's pick up you were eyeballing so much, never made it to Indy either", I informed him.
"Dang it! I really like that thing." He conceded.
I looked over at Boone, "Charley Ogle went 11.26 at 123.9 today! That has to be the quickest he's went on Drag Week?"
He consulted his stat sheet quickly, "Yeah, by quite a bit!"

I was seated with James to my right, and the waiter set a large platter in front of him piled high with loaded, fajita style, nachos.
"Oh boy", I quickly commented, "James is going to be the last one done eating by a bunch!"
"Why do you say that?" He looked at me with a guarded grin.
"Haven't you ever heard the old saying, slower than a one thumbed man in a nacho eating contest?"
Laughter erupted from the table, "You starting already?" He shot back.
"I've been saving up the thumb jokes all year, James", I assured him.

"How's the Barracuda Vs. GS455 battle going this year", Dale asked, having already stowed his phone, and working his way through his meal.
"Covey and the GS have a pair of 10.19s, while the purple AAR ran 10.43 and 10.50. Randy's going to be mad at you!"
Dale looked up, as if suddenly remembering something, "Did I tell you he's got an Indy single plane on that big Buick?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's running an Indy Dominator intake with flanges modified to match the Buick head, I guess no one casts a big enough intake for them...thought that was odd when we were working on it."

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines