I grabbed a #10 ring terminal and a crimping tool from work today. I bought my own on Amazon, but that won't come for a few days. I also got a heat gun and a soldering iron kit, as I figured it would be inevitable I work with electronics in the future and they were cheap (~$20/each). I crimped the new ring terminal on (it was my first time so it wasn't pretty), and installed the starter. Prior to that, I made sure that all of the teeth were on the flywheel, and they were. When I went to go connect the battery, the battery sparked and the starter turned on. So, I had to go back, and remove the starter and make sure that the power chord wasn't touching the ground. I reinstalled the starter and I guess it didn't seat right because it made gear noises every time I hit the accelerator pedal. So now I have to go back and uninstall and reinstall the starter for the 10th time.

The starter is still free wheeling at start-up. But one thing I noticed is that it sounded the same as when the starter engaged when I had the shorting boo boo with the battery. So, now I'm wondering, could it be that I'm not getting enough fuel (just changed spark plugs, so spark should be good) to the cylinder and the engine is just free wheeling until it can finally detonate the fuel? Or do you still think it is a starter engagement problem?

Anywho, I probably won't be able to work on the car until Friday. I've been cutting out 15-30 mins of my workout the past couple days and that has been helping me a lot to get out and work on the car. It's almost like working on the car ends up being part of my workout, especially when it's super hot outside. I was sweating quite a bit and it was only 7 pm.