
These are the goals I have for the project.

Now: Fix, Maintain, Drive, and Enjoy. There are little things that need to be fixed on the car to make it better. For instance the driver door is not original to the car and wasn't aligned when bought.

Is it not shutting right? Or does it just not look aligned?


I need to clean the rust in the trunk.

Just use a brush and vacuum up the loose stuff. Then castrol super clean and rag and water to clean the dirt.


I obviously need to replace the power steering hose after it blew up Tuesday turning into my garage.

Was it the pressure or return hose? Did you get the hose yet?


I need to fix the locks and

What's wrong with the locks?


probably add a kill switch.

Why do you need a kill switch? Should be last on the list. I wouldn't mess with the electrical until you get the other stuff sorted out and put some miles on it making sure it's realible.