Visited the Dart today to sort some minor details out and check on progress. I talked with the mechanic in depth as well. They don't expect the car to stay there for another month. The mechanic found out that with the Quicktime bellhousing, the input of the transmission was offset just a tad so he ordered some dowel pins to help shim everything over so the transmission is true to the engine. Those should be coming in today meaning that the trans should be in by the end of the week.

We also mocked up the steering wheel position a little bit as well. I must say, I'm liking how the interior is turning out. It's really becoming pretty clean.

I just have to make some small decisions. Still deciding where to put a tachometer and which one to buy. I was thinking on the center console down low how they used to do it with the 66-67 GTX's, but thought it might be kind of weird looking at a tach that low unless I had a remote shift light on the dash. I was also thinking about having a small one mount on the dash pad right above the VIN tag. I'm also going to get a 5-point harness and I can't decide between black or red. Almost the entire interior is black and silver, but red belts would go with the calipers. Odds are it will be bought from Simpson's Race Products.
