Exactly what Wingcars said. These lists aren't being used for malicious intents, they are merely a record of the locations, conditions, and histories of these prized cars. By no means were the lists ever written to give up the goose on them. They were written merely to try to have a database for reference when one changes hands or surfaces after a long hiatus. If I was ever in the market for a wing car, I would want to know if it led a nice life or got beat on, wrecked, burned, stolen, hacked to bits, and then rebodied when the values skyrocketed. There are crooks everywhere, and if they want to, they will find info through other means because it is public information. I respect your opinion BigBird. I just hope you can see it from the standpoint of trying to protect these cars and their owners/future owners.

OIF V and OEF X veteran and proud of it!