She saw the second charger. Said it looked 10 times nicer than the 69 i bought. Although she thinks i went with a buddy of mind down to buy it (she thinks he bought it as its stored at his house). Eventually i'll let her know that I am the one who bought it. But maybe not, depends on if it have to sell it (that way i can keep the money towards another car).
And you wouldn't believe the fight my wife put up when i said i was going to name our son Daytona. I then tried for Dart (as that is my uncles name). And eventually settled in agreement on Dakota.

On the hunt for my dad's old cars. They include 5 Daytona's, 2 superbirds, and 2 500's. Very interested in finding the Red on Red Daytona, and Q5 Charger 500, and have found both cars.