I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy holiday, and that everyone got what they asked for. i asked yet again for a HEMI 69 Daytona, but looked under the tree, and in the garage but didn't find it. Maybe he delivered it to the wrong house yet again this year. JK
Wound up getting another digital camera for christmas, one that doesn't require a whole bag of attachments (the nikon D100 that i have) to take pics, so its a quick and easy camera that even my wife can use.
Anyways i'm off of work today, but have to watch the 2 month old boy, so i am going to try to scan in some more pics and forward them to Wingcars6970

On the hunt for my dad's old cars. They include 5 Daytona's, 2 superbirds, and 2 500's. Very interested in finding the Red on Red Daytona, and Q5 Charger 500, and have found both cars.