I didn't make it to see the Daytona this weekend. Gentleman with the car had some things to take care of in th family on saturday. So i didnt pester him with wanting to come by. He was nice and called me back and said that I am more than welcome to stop by anytime i'm in town. well that isn't very often as its 1 hour away, but i'm sure i can swing out that way for a Wing car. Also didn't get to see Bill's daytona when i was in St. Louis either, spent the day deciding if i wanted to sell my 69 instead of going through with fixing it.

On the hunt for my dad's old cars. They include 5 Daytona's, 2 superbirds, and 2 500's. Very interested in finding the Red on Red Daytona, and Q5 Charger 500, and have found both cars.