

You would be hard pressed to build any old car for 25 grand that could outrun that black Gt track pack car.

Hard pressed, but not impossible. I'll take that bet, but at 30K. Only way you'd get into that GT for 25K is if the sticker was 20.

As long as you dont hold me to a new paint job... i love my patina and fade...

The new ones have a couple key things going against them... one, the weight (sooo many mandatory options and safety BS the old cars dont have), and they come with smaller tires than they should, considering the dimensions ov the car (though i see a few posts below the one i quoted a way to get wider stuff on the car already available, but then that adds to the 30K ceiling). Even the height works against them comparatively... they are tall cars. I had no idea how big they were until i parked my 96 beside one... that was an eye-opener.

It could be a good battle/experiment...

Gee, hedging your bet any? Add $5k and keep the patina? If you couldn't do it with those parameters you'd be a clown.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.