
My 70 Challenger weighed pretty much exactly its stated 3006lb shipping weight. Before the 'E-bodies all weigh 2-tons' crowd chime in... well, i had a local circle track racer bring over some pricey scales, spent some time and some money and well... turns out all along i was right. these cars CAN weigh very little. A stripped out base 70 Barracuda would be even lighter.

Next to Mitch's Challenger, this has to be one of the lighter Challengers out there. Not a slam, but I think you pointed out the simplest reason in that many don't think about not adding weight and they start adding this and that and before you know it, you have a 3800# E body. My '74 Challenger was the biggest pig in my collection at 3600+ My '67 was the lightest street car at 3200# with full undercoating. I did get one of my drag cars down to 3000# without swiss cheesing it and using all steel panels, but it was gutted pretty good and I sorted through stacks of parts to find the lightest combinations of pieces