
Good luck on your project I will be watching as you post updates. BTW when you weighed your car how much of it was stripped out, what engine and trans were in it at the time?

It actually weighed in at 2930lbs, as it sits in the few pictures i've posted. Thats with 15x8 Mopar steelies, 265/305 50 Euro T/A's (heavy tires!), and a big block ov wood to jack up the rear added to the weight. What was missing was the jack/spare, carpet, a few pounds ov metal due to rust (not much though, i gave it 10 to be charitable), battery, gas, air cleaner, cardboard trunk-divider. ALL ov which were weighed (got the stock battery and air cleaner weights from guys here) with an accurate scale... not just the usual bathroom scale BS. The final tally comes in at a hair over 3000lbs. Thats also with the 2 watt radio and buckets... which are technically considered options. Not sure if the bench would be lighter than two buckets though. So it could have come even lighter. Lighter still had it been a 'deputy' car. Thats with a 225/3-speed stick/7 1/4" rear. My car never even had factory undercoat.

Like i've said many many times in other posts... starting with the right car is a MASSIVE step in the right direction. That doesn't mean just picking a random 73 Duster over a 70 Roadrunner and assuming its a light car. Hell...i used to obsess about selling it and looking for a no-option 70 Barracuda instead... just to save that ridiculously small bit ov size and the not-so-small 50lb weight difference. But the Challenger is MY car. The only way my car could have been better was if it came TX9 black instead ov red.