Will someone please explain to me how a 72 Pinto Runabout (stripper) weighs 165lbs more than (pretty much the EXACT SAME) 1971 Runabout? There's some homework for ya...

Brand new - back in the day - A friend had a 1972 Pinto, German sourced 2 liter OHC engine with factory 4 speed (was not a hatch Runabout with large glass hatch setup -rather it was the standard body with the trunk) ....IIRC ... 1972 had mandated 2.5 MPH front and rear bumpers ... and some side impact protection added ....in 1973/74, the bumpers mandate went to required 5 MPH and side impact also was also updated? So those 1973/74 changes resulted in other components also being changed/more reinforcements-brackets, etc. all leading to ...more weight?

Good thread and good discussion...Thx!

Those early Pintos were feather weights compared to later model...


Like the women I have dated --- Always looking for a better deal ....