
The reason I'm having trouble believing your stats is my Dart was also a stripper car, /6 3 on the tree, vinyl carpet, manual everything car with 0 undercoating and 9" front drums. I put on a glass hood and valance, removed backseat and installed a bb and auto. It weighed 3260 without driver. My math says add 100# for e body at least to that with all else being equal.

The 72 is notably heavier than the 70, in all cars. The typical E to A difference is more like 200lbs. Darts are the heaviest ov A-bodies. So not quite 'all else equal' yet.

Then you have the big block. That in itself is a heavy design, and then the way most guys here, even the 'weight-conscious' run them is worse yet (or at least not as good as it could be). My plan was for an aluminum top-end 426 stroker lowdeck, or at minimum... a stock-stroke 400. Even with all my tricks and fun parts accumulated its just not gonna do what i want it to in this car. I've 98% decided to sell my 400 and years worth ov accrued lowdeck stuff to get a Magnum 5.2L or 5.9. I dont know anything about Mopar smallblocks... have NEVER messed with one... but it just makes more sense for me, and the weight difference is a massive part ov that. Further, i probably wont even install it unless its got aluminum heads. Even the Magnum is on the fat side for me and if i can i'll abandon that plan as well for something very modern and light.

Also, it should be noted that i dont carry a jack or spare, so i dont add that to the final. I figured that a BCAA membership card is quite a bit lighter than a jack and spare and in 25 years ov driving i've never had a flat... Call me a gambler, but thats another 40-45lbs i dont have to carry.