

Who really wants to sit around all day to make maybe 5 or so 10 second passes? It's fun for a while but it got old for me anyway.

Shoot, in Denver on test and tune night, your maybe going to get 3 passes in. Even in a slow 14 second car, that is $25 entry fee and $20 in gas for 42 seconds worth of fun.

By contrast, a $200 open track day around here is usually three session of 20-30 minutes each. So I'm paying $3 a minute for at least 60 minutes of track time here compared to about $50 a minute at the drag strip.

Definitely, I must admit at the Joliet, IL. RT 66 track ....1. they are pretty darn snobby, 2. They are in no hurry to get cars down the track (They act like government workers.) 3. Then toss in something that upsets the apple cart like an oil down and its over......just put a fork in it.

Them small tracks can get the cars moving like in Osceola Indiana.

I agree an open track day might seem like a large sum of cash but when you break it down into seat time it is a no brainer.