
How about a Mustang in a Mopar Hi Impact color.......Got To Have It Green.....

That will get attention....

Sorry Mitch I couldn't resist.

Heh... still not gonna do it. I could park my unfinished 70 against a line ov limited edition new Challengers and one guess which one's gonna get all the attention? And my Rallye Red isn't exactly high-impact anymore...

Mitch, the Viper could easily be included in my earlier list. I didn't add it because i could never own one. Nothing can make a V10 sound good in my opinion. A 95GTS coupe with a 6.4 Hemi would be pretty hard to hate though.

When i was 'shopping' around online for all those Boss, Cobra, Z06, ZR1 or other deals, i came across a few very nicely priced GTS coupes, even newer generation Vipers... I was shocked at how cheaply one could get into that much speed. Too bad its a V10.