
I operate under no mandate, commission,.....
I run a lost & found. Is anything required to do that?

Well at least the first part of your post is true. That must be quite the elaborate "lost in found" you operate. I can't remember losing something and then being chastised for the way I parted my hair, what I was wearing or who I was with when I went to claim my property! Have you not been reading what some are saying in this thread? You hold people hostage, ridicule and even ignore them if they don't play the "lost and found" game the way you choose! That is the problem when a "self appointed" person decides to set up camp and run their "Registry." They become like Hitler or Mussolini. They start out with all the right intentions and then their notoriety goes to their head. They become Dictators and all their "sheep" need to comply with their self serving rules "or else"! Before you know it they have morphed into something that doesn't even resemble what they originally started out as.

You "Good Guys" keep lying to yourself about all the wonderful things that you claim to do for the Hobby! If I had a Dollar (remember that one?) for every person that told me a horror story about the way you "verifiers" had exploited and mistreated them, I could have retired after the first year I went into this Business. Keep up the good work!