
I relate Barry to a wanna be cop,the kind that pulls you over b/c your car looks fast and you may break the speeed limit at some point.I am all for busting those actually comitting fraud by swapping/making vin tags but he way oversteps the bounds of his self appointed authority by attacking and threatening anyone who mentions or asks about fender tags,rebodying or restoring basketcases etc.The law is very gray on these matters and contrary to what he beleives he does not know it all.

I will go along with this. I do believe if the chips were down and I were thinking of buying a car and really truely wanted to get information (reliable) information about the car I was buying (due diligence) I would appreciate Barry and his knowledge.

I dont know what private emails go on in private, I do hate to see the fighting tho. It upsets me like seeing family fight when we have get togethers. I too would like to have a build sheet. I dont care if it says COPY on it, I am a talker in person and I would like a conversation piece at the car shows.

The question "Why would someone want a fake fendertag and/or buildsheet want one other than greed or profit" The question bears consideration and I can only answer for myself. Here and now I document I dont have my buildsheet for my car, therefore anyone can place an asterick by my lil name or car. Still I love things like repro items legtimately available in the marketplace such has factory ads, stickers, articles etc. It tells a story about our cars when others show interest at shows or club get togethers etc. I dont think of them as profit centers but I CAN SEE HOW OTHERS WOULD in the hobby. So indeed both sides have legitimate issues. There can be room for disagreement as well as room for compromise in our hobby.

I do agree Barry offers a great service to the Mopar community -if he likes you.