i've read the topic in it's entirety. i see valid points of view from both sides. i have no real ideas about how it went so bad, so fast. i will opine one thing though. when people submit build sheets, certi-cards, owners manuals, copies of old titles etc., to any "authority" who collects them for return to known rightful owners, then without question, those items should be returned, to those owners. if you like or "trust" someone, shouldnt be an issue. there was an implied trust, the middleman would do the "right thing", when he received items, not belonging to his car. if anyone who is supposed to reunite owners and items, decides for whatever reason, he wont reunite a lawful owner, with forwarded items, he's broken a trust.

if you hate the person, for whatever reason, the sometimes unpleasant reality is, as the lawful owner, the stuff should go to him. refusing to do so, may cause others, to not forward stuff they find, for fear it wont be forwarded. as much as you might hate to do it, you should give the person his stuff, even if it's only copies of it. and for the record, i dont know any of the parties involved in this snafu here, i'm just relating, i'd be hesitant to hand over stuff i've found, if i knew the middleman might not actually deliver the stuff i gave him.

"When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty"