Where's the poll for re-bodied cars with real or "fake" tags?

i would love to see if dayclona is stupid enough to take a rebodied car to the DMV and tell them that he swapped the VIN tag off another car. because,if he doesn't tell it. well,than he is just a fraud. or,you don't tell it,and your still a fraud. unless the laws of every state in the united states,doesn't apply to you....

If you "fudged" a little on your 1040 tax form, do you tell the IRS?,...if you make some bucks under the table, do you report it to the IRS,...if you speed over the posted limit, do you turn yourself into the local police....whether you like/dislike re-bodies in the hobby, fake fender tags, repro fender tags, repro VIN's, repro BS, window stickers, etc.....they have been in the hobby and will continue, regardless of anyones attempts to thwat it,....not all rebodies are done as an attempt to "turn out" a vehicle for profit