Well all I can say is I didnt know it was such a bad thing when I had Galen make my tag for my Challenger over 9 years ago from its original build sheet. Hind sight being 20/20 I wish I hadnt had it made at all now with all the problems it has caused. I know now that I will never be able to make a tag or correctly or be abel to documnet my roadrunner so that is ok with me.
What is not ok is because of me making a unknowingly bad decision years ago, now I am not allowed to know anything about my 70 Roadrunner's dealership info that is on the Hamtrack registry and run by Barry Washington. I also know that whatever dealer ship info there is such as the dealer who sold the car or who bought the car dosent go on a fender tag anyway and see no way it could help me to be a disohnest person. I have been black listed for being ignorant to this whole tag issue. I never had any bad intentions and still dont.

Last edited by 70Runnerdude; 12/27/10 07:15 PM.