
Now, after 7 years, $22,000 and 3 years of work, and a successful test, the sheets are being flashed (shown, posted, presented, bragged about, touted, advertised?, boasted, waved, teased or something).

So, just to verify, they are not for sale? Or are they for sale?

As weird as it may seem, I did the "test" and made these for exactly the reason stated. I'm a little odd when it comes to challenges. The last crazy quest was spending 10 times more than I should have to restore a four door Valiant! I don't sell these and until threads like this show up, I almost forget that I even have them! They are insignificant pieces of paper, I don't need the money from selling them and the negative feelings that would come from distributing them is not worth it. I have more respect for the people that make up the Mopar hobby than to hurt anyone just to make a buck. I was actually given approval to market them but decided not to do so for that reason. (So much for being the "greedy vendor" I was accused of being here a couple of weeks ago!) You would be shocked to see the decals and products we have manufactured but never offered to the market. Those items would never cause negative feelings though!