What the people giveth, the people can taketh away!

ECS quickly got a name for themselves by producing quality products and they did because they saw what others were selling and and knew they could do better and did. And where did this authority come from? From the people who wanted better products and were not going to put up with the "it's all you can get" vendors who pushed their poor quality stuff. If ECS was to loose that quality edge, the people would tear them down just as quickly.

Same for these "authorities". You hear a lot of bad mouthing of a particular one a lot and for good reason. The other, a few people have a problem with but for the most part he gets praised, again for good reason. I'm not saying what was done here was right or wrong, that's not my place because I wasn't there. Same with watching the TV and believing what is spewed out by pundits. Think for yourselves.