You assume dishonesty in everything you have posted. My mind doesn't work that way and I do not break the law with anything I do. Fender tags and build-sheets are two items that have been sensationalized by a few who have decided to make a business from preaching their importance. (Even poisoned water has some nutritional value.) Should money no longer be printed because crooks try to counterfeit it? Should the speed limit be abolished because some continue to exceed it? Should baseball bats be illegal because gang members use them as a weapon of choice?

Like I stated earlier, my mind is not consumed with the thieves and negative aspects for everything in life. You do the best you can to deter the bad and strive to do what is right. Given the opportunity, there will always be someone that does the wrong thing. You can't quit living because of the fools.

People who have no checks and balances usually become corrupt. Being the Judge, Jury and Executioner is a very dangerous thing for ANY area of interest. THAT was my only point and why I kept pushing the "authority" question. So who keeps those guys in line? It should be obvious to everyone that there are no "overseeing" Mopar agencies except those that are already established and legitimate. The other "big shots" are having fun playing Barney Fife and telling everyone how they should interpret the Hobby!