To Mr. Pealer;

I know that I had a reason for blocking your email address & posts from view here, but I can not find it & do not remember the exact reason.

So, I'll consider that a mistake on my part, learn from it & move on.

Is it possible that I had you confused with someone else with the same name? Maybe.

So, just like I do with anyone, email me with proof of legal ownership of the car & proof the car does in fact exist & I will post an image of what I have for it here. It is not much, but it is part of the cars history regardless.

A color scan of the title in your name will do for proof of ownership.

Photos of the car itself, the body numbers & dash VIN should prove the car still exists.

If you prefer, you can post the images here, up to you.

For everyone else, dang, be careful what you put on the internet.